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DI Checks

Tegral DI provides a check system for your modules that allow you to verify some of its properties.

Add a test anywhere within your test sources (preferably in its own class for clarity) with the following format:

fun `Tegral DI modules checks`() = tegralDiCheck {
modules(/* ... */)

// ...

You will need to pass your application's modules to the modules(...), and add any checks you want to perform below them.

When a check fails, it throws an exception with a message that describes the problem, hereby making the test fail.

In order to use this feature "idiomatically", you should

  • Define your modules in your main code in a public way. Note that a module itself does not instantiate its components: it only describes how to instantiate them. The environment created when calling tegralDi is the one responsible for that.
  • Use a single test for all of the checks.

Complete environment


Add this check by putting complete() after the modules declaration(s).

Checks that the module set is complete, meaning that no dependency requirement is missing. For example, considering the following classes:

class A
class B(scope: InjectionScope) {
val a: A by scope()
class C(scope: InjectionScope) {
val b: B by scope()
val a: A by scope()

This is correct:

val module = tegralDiModule {

tegralDiCheck {


But this is not, as C has a dependency on B, which is missing in the module:

val module = tegralDiModule {

tegralDiCheck {


When this check fails, Tegral DI will tell you exactly which dependency is missing and which components requested it:

class A

class B(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val a: A by scope()
private val d: D by scope()

class C(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val b: B by scope()
private val d: D by scope()
private val e: E by scope()

class D
class E

val module = tegralDiModule {

tegralDiCheck {

Some dependencies were not found. Make sure they are present within your module definitions.
--> org.example.tegral.di.D (<no qualifier>) not found
Requested by:
--> org.example.tegral.di.B (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.C (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.E (<no qualifier>) not found
Requested by:
--> org.example.tegral.di.C (<no qualifier>)

Note that the complete check does not verify if modules are complete on their own. It verifies that the entire module set is complete, meaning that, despite B being missing from module1, the fact that it can still be found in module2 makes this system complete:

val module1 = tegralDiModule {

val module2 = tegralDiModule {

tegralDiCheck {
modules(module1, module2)


No cyclic dependencies


Add this check by putting noCycle() after the modules' declaration(s).

Checks that the module set does not contain any cyclic dependencies. A cyclic dependency situation is when a class Foo depends on itself, either directly (Foo depends on Foo by injecting itself) or indirectly (Foo depends on Bar and Bar depends on Foo).

While cyclic dependency situations are generally handled correctly by Tegral DI, they can mean that you have a problem in your design somewhere, especially in cases of layered architecture.

Here is an example of a cyclic dependency that this check would report. A depends on B, which depends on A, hereby creating a cycle:

class A(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val b: B by scope()

class B(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val a: A by scope()

val module = tegralDiModule {

tegralDiCheck {

Cyclic dependency found:
org.example.tegral.di.A (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.B (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.A (<no qualifier>)
Note: --> represents an injection (i.e. A --> B means 'A depends on B').

And here is a more complicated one:

class C(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val d: D by scope()

class D(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val e: E by scope()

class E(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val f: F by scope()
private val c: C by scope()

class F(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val c: C by scope()

val module = tegralDiModule {

tegralDiCheck {

Cyclic dependency found:
org.example.tegral.di.C (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.D (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.E (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.F (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.C (<no qualifier>)
Note: --> represents an injection (i.e. A --> B means 'A depends on B').

Safe injection only


Add this check by putting safeInjection() after the modules decleration(s). Due to safe injections being primordial in a Tegral DI system, you should put this rule at the top.

Checks that no object tries to perform an injection (i.e. actually retrieve a dependency) during their instantiation. Consider the following example of something you should not do:

class LogRepository {
fun start() {
// ...

class Logger(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val repo: LogRepository by scope()
init {

This is incorrect because, internally, Tegral DI instantiates objects in the order they are declared. This is not a problem as long as no injection resolution is performed during the injection.

If we were to create an environment like so:

val env = tegralDi {

Everything would work fine, because, in the given order:

  • LogRepository is instantiated and added to the environment's internal component map.
    • Object instantiation proceeds as normal: nothing happening there.
  • Logger is instantiated and added to the environment's internal component map.
    • Object instantiation requests an injection handler via a delegated property via the by scope() syntax. The environment is called via the scope parameter and will provide an injector for the object. At this point, injection has not been performed yet: the actual LogRepository object has never been actually injected anywhere.
    • The Logger object immediately uses the repository, performing the actual injection now. In this case, it works fine, as the object is already present in the environment.

However, if we were to swap these two put statements around:

val env = tegralDi {

The faulty logic from above no longer works:

  • Logger is instantiated and added to the environment's internal component map.
    • Object instantiation requests an injection handler just like before.
    • The Logger object immediately uses the repository, yet no repository has ever touched the environment. This would be similar to using a component that has never been injected if it weren't for the fact that, in this case, we are at a point where the object itself has not been actually injected within the environment's internal map*, leading to a broken environment state, and a usually undecipherable exception.

Here is an example of what the error message would look like for the example:

safeInjection' check failed.
The following injection is done during the instantiation of org.example.tegral.di.Logger (<no qualifier>):
org.example.tegral.di.Logger (<no qualifier>)
--> org.example.tegral.di.LogRepository (<no qualifier>)

You *must not* actually perform injections during the instantiation of objects.
If you need to do something on an object provided by an environment before storing it as a property, use 'wrapIn' instead. See the documentation on the 'safeInjection' check for more details.

If you do need to perform some once-only action on the injected object you want to get, e.g. calling a function to create an object, you use the wrapIn utility function like so:

interface Cache
class CacheProvider {
fun createCache(name: String): Cache {
// ...

// With manual dependency injection

class ServiceA(cacheProvider: CacheProvider) {
private val cache = cacheProvider.createCache("serv_a_cache")

class ServiceB(cacheProvider: CacheProvider) {
private val cache = cacheProvider.createCache("serv_b_cache")

// Equivalent with Tegral DI dependency injection

class ServiceA(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val cache by scope<CacheProvider>() wrapIn { it.createCache("serv_a_cache") }

class ServiceB(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val cache by scope<CacheProvider>() wrapIn { it.createCache("serv_b_cache") }

Note that while the injection may be done eagerly, lazily or actively, the wrapping step is always done lazily. The lambda is only executed once, and the value can no longer be changed, similar to how lazy from the standard library works. If you need more fine-grained control over the injection method (especially if you need the entire injection + transformation pipeline to be active), you should directly inject the object you are interested in within the environment. You can use name qualifiers to differentiate between components of the same type.

No unused component


Add this check by putting noUnused() after the modules declaration(s). Supports optional configuration.

Unused components are components which are never injected anywhere within the components. For example, given this module:

class ServiceA(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val b: ServiceB by scope()

class ServiceB(scope: InjectionScope) {
private val c: ServiceC by scope()

class ServiceC

val module = tegralDiModule {

The ServiceA component is considered unused, since it is not injected anywhere, and makes the noUnused check fail.

'noUnused' check failed.
The following component is not injected anywhere, making it unused.
--> org.example.tegral.di.ServiceA (<no qualifier>)

If some or all of the components mentioned above are still used outside of injections (e.g. via a 'get' call on the environment), you can exclude them from this rule by adding them after the 'noUnused':

noUnused {
exclude(ExcludeMe::class, named("excluded"))

Note that an option-less noUnused succeeding means that noCycle will fail. By definition, if all components can reach one another (i.e. the graph of components is strongly connected), it must have a cycle.

Excluding components from noUnused

A very frequent pattern is to have some sort of entrypoint within your injection modules. As this entrypoint will usually not be depended upon by any other dependency, it is retrieved via a env.get<TheEntrypoint>() on the environment created by the tegralDi function. As noUnused cannot detect such a use, you can exclude such entry-points (or any other component that is only retrieved via get and never injected) using the following syntax:

tegralDiCheck {
modules(/* ... */)

// Instead of

// Do
noUnused {

You will have to manually ensure that anything you manually exclude is in fact not useless.

You can exclude classes in the following ways:

// Reified, no qualifier

// Reified, with qualifier
exclude<TheClass>(named("my class"))

// KClass, no qualifier

// KClass, with qualifier
exclude(TheClass::class, named("my class"))

Excluding by specifying a class without a qualifier (exclude<A>() or exclude(A::class)) does not exclude all components of the given class no matter their qualifier: it only excludes the component with the given class and no qualifier.