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Tegral Niwen Parser, part of the Niwen project, is a parser framework with a primary focus on ease-of-use.

Note that you'll need to use a lexer first to create tokens that Niwen Parser can understand. You can use Tegral Niwen Lexer for this, but you can also just manually create Token instances if you wish to use another lexer.

Parser structure

Niwen Parser is based around the concept of parsing into some model made of Kotlin classes. Then, you will describe (as in, provide the expectations for) these models.

This allows us to decouple several moving parts of the parser:

  1. The data model (or AST) that we want to parse to
  2. The description of the language we want to parse, i.e. the expectations for the various parts of our model.
  3. The parser implementation itself, which is handled by Tegral Niwen parser

This decoupling is not something you'll always get with manually-written parsers, because it can get quite cumbersome to force yourself to split parts 2 and 3. Niwen takes the pain of writing all the boilerplate and lets you focus on your parser model, which is especially important considering the main philosophy of Niwen is to allow you to prototype quickly.

Creating parsers with Niwen Parser is a two-step process, which we'll describe below.

Data model

Anything that implements ParserNodeDeclaration<T>, where T is the type of the model node, can be used to identify a "describable" part of the model, i.e. something we can describe in our parser.

In almost all cases, and unless you're converting some external model you can't alter, you should use the following pattern of a data class (for the model) and a companion object (for the declaration):

data class MyModelNode(
val someProperty: String,
val someOtherProperty: Int
) {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<MyModelNode> by reflective()

Note that the by reflective() parts allows us to let Niwen Parser automatically create nodes via reflection. This is the recommended way of creating nodes, as it allows us to avoid a massive amount of boilerplate, but, if needed, you can also manually implement the ParserNodeDeclaration.make function. Refer to the KDoc comments for more information.

If your model contains a large amount of nodes, it may be interesting to prefix the class' name with some letter, especially because some possible class name (such as Number to model some number) could clash with some built-in classes from Kotlin. For example, if we were parsing some "SumLang" language, we could name the class SNumber instead of Number. This is not required, but it can be useful.

Note that, by design, your model will contain several classes that include one another. Here's an example of what we could do to model a sum:

data class SSum(val left: SNumber, val right: SNumber) {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<SSum> by reflective()

data class SNumber(val value: Int) {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<SNumber> by reflective()

Describing the model

Taking the "sum" example from before, we also need to describe how each node of our model should be parsed. This is done when creating the actual parser, in the niwenParser block:

val parser = niwenParser {
SSum root {
expect(SNumber) storeIn SSum::left
expect(SNumber) storeIn SSum::right

SNumber {
expect(Tokens.NUMBER) transform { it.toInt() } storeIn SNumber::value

Each node is described using a succession of various expectations. Here, we're telling Tegral Niwen that SSum nodes:

  • expect an SNumber node that should be stored in SSum::left
  • expect a Tokens.PLUS token (and does not store its content anywhere)
  • expect another SNumber node that should be stored in SSum::right

We're also telling Tegral Niwen that SNumber nodes expect a Tokens.NUMBER token, and that it should transform this token into an Int and store it in the SNumber::value property.

We need to use transform because the type of the value storeIn will store is inferred from the expect call. When using an expect(SomeNode), the value is an instance SomeNode, but with tokens, it's just a String. We use Kotlin's String.toInt() function to turn this string into an integer.

When transform fails

Depending on our lexer, we should be able to assume that any token of type Tokens.NUMBER will be a valid integer. However, if, for whatever reason, the content of a transform { } block fails with an exception, the parser will consider the expectation to have failed, similarly to how an expect(Tokens.NUMBER) would fail if the current token was to be some Tokens.PLUS token.

Note that the order of the expectations is important, as it defines the order in which the parser will try to parse the various parts of the model.

Also note that we put root next to SSum. This tells Niwen that we want our parser to return a SSum node, and that we start with the expectations of SSum.

If, at any point, something does not hold up, the parser will stop execution and provide you an exception with basic information. You can also use a debugging mode to get full information on the execution flow of your parser.

Putting it all together

We can now call parser.parse(tokens) to run the parser! Here's a full example you can try at home:

enum class Tokens : TokenType {

val lexer = niwenLexer {
state {
matches("\\d+") isToken Tokens.NUMBER
'+' isToken Tokens.PLUS
' '.ignore

data class SSum(val left: SNumber, val right: SNumber) {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<SSum> by reflective()

data class SNumber(val value: Int) {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<SNumber> by reflective()

val parser = niwenParser {
SSum root {
expect(SNumber) storeIn SSum::left
expect(SNumber) storeIn SSum::right

SNumber {
expect(Tokens.NUMBER) transform { it.toInt() } storeIn SNumber::value

val input = "1 + 2"
val result = parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(input))
println(result) // SSum(left=SNumber(value=1), right=SNumber(value=2))

That might look like a lot of work at first and, to be honest, it is. But the main appeal of systems like this is that you'll easily be able to grow your model and your parser as your language grows, and you'll be able to do so in a very structured way.

Node declarations

Niwen Parser provides several implementations of ParserNodeDeclaration<T> that you can use to declare your nodes.


The recommended way to declare nodes is to use reflective(). This will use Kotlin reflection to create nodes. This avoids creating boilerplate.

Constructor selection

The reflective() implementation tries (to the best of its ability) to handle situations of multiple, possibly conflicting constructors being available on the node class.

The algorithm for selecting a constructor is as follows:

  • Filter down constructors to those that:
    • Have parameters that all have a name.
    • AND have parameters that
      • match the currently available stored values (i.e. what was made available through storeIn). These parameters must have the same name and a compatible type.
      • OR, if no such value is stored, be optional
  • Then:
    • use the constructor with the most non-optional parameters (i.e. the most "precise" one)
    • OR, if no matching constructor was found, throw an exception with details on what happened.

This process is not foolproof: try to only have one constructor (with optional parameters if needed) on your model classes, if possible.


In combination with storeIn self(), allows using sealed classes in your model.

For example, if we wanted to model a value that could either be a string or an integer, we could do it like so:

sealed class SValue {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<SValue> by subtype()

data class SString(val value: String) : SValue() {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<SString> by reflective()

data class SInt(val value: Int) : SValue() {
companion object : ParserNodeDeclaration<SInt> by reflective()


Several expectations can be used to describe how a node should be parsed.

Expect (token)

Expect a token of the given type to be present at this point.

SWord {
expect(Tokens.KEYWORD, withValue = "if")
expect(Tokens.WORD) storeIn SWord::value

You can optionally restrict this expectation to the exact value the token must have by using the withValue parameter.

This expectation emits a String value that you can then use with storeIn, transform, etc.

Expect (node)

Expect a node of the given type to be present at this point, and parse said node using its own description.

CurrentNode {
expect(OtherNode) storeIn CurrentNode::someField

Given the node declaration provided as a parameter is of type ParserNodeDeclaration<T>, this expectation emits a T value that you can then use with storeIn, transform, etc.


An expectation that does not advance the input, but emits a value of your choice.

SomeNode {
emit(42) storeIn SomeNode::someField

Emits a given value of your choice that can then be used with storeIn, transform, etc.

This is useful for advanced scenarios, such as providing fallback values when using either, etc.


Expects one of its branches to match, tried in the order they're defined.

SomeNode {
either {
expect(Tokens.SOMETHING) storeIn SomeNode::one
// ...
} or {
// ...
} or {
// ...

The either call itself does not emit anything, but you can use storeIn, transform, etc. inside the branches of the either call, and they'll be executed transparently, as if the either call was not there.

Expect (EOF)

You can use expectEof() to indicate that, at this point, you expect the end of the input to have been reached.

This expectation does not emit anything.

SomeNode {
// ...

Look ahead

Expects the provided expectation block to match at the current point, but does not consume tokens in the input outside the lookahead block.

SomeNode {
// At index 0
// At index 1
lookahead {
// At index 2
// At index 3
// Still at index 1

This is conceptually similar to the "look ahead" mechanism present in regular expressions.


Create a branch that can optionally be expected:

  • If the branch matches, it as if the optional call was not there and the content of the optional block is executed transparently.
  • If the branch does not match, it is as if the entire optional block was not there.
SomeNode {
optional {

Like either, the optional call itself does not emit anything, but you can use storeIn, transform, etc. inside the optional block, and they'll be executed transparently, as if the optional call was not there.


Repeatedly runs a provided block of expectations until it fails to match. Optionally, you can:

  • Store the results of each run of the block into a list via storeIn item.
  • Set a minimum and/or maximum amount of times the block must run for the entire repeated expectation to be considered as matched or not.
SomeNode {
// Storing items, then storing the resulting list:
repeated {
expect(OtherNode) storeIn item
} storeIn SomeNode::someList

// Same thing, but also providing a minimum/maximum amount of repetitions:
repeated(min = 5, max = 10) {
// ...

There are two points where you can use storeIn and other state callbacks:

  • Inside the repeated block. You can only store items here and do not have access to the node you're currently describing. Use storeIn item to store the current item.
  • The output of the entire repeated block (next to the closing } of the block) is a List<T> where T is the type emitted by the storeIn item.

State callbacks

State callbacks are placed after an expectation (e.g. after the expect(...) call).

State callbacks' main usage is to do something with the value the expectation emits. Some expectations will emit value (refer to the expectation's documentation for details on what is emitted), and we manipulate, store, etc. this value using state callbacks.

State callbacks can be chained and will be executed from left to right.


This state callback allows you to store the current value into the storage that will be used to construct the node you're currently describing.

SomeNode {
expect(Tokens.SOME_TOKEN) storeIn SomeNode::someField

Note that there is a lot of type checking going on here: the type of the storage key (here SomeNode::someField's type ) must be compatible with the value it's fed with using what's on the left of storeIn. If you need to perform some form of transformation on the valaue to make it compatible with the key, consider using transform

storeIn self()

This is a special use case for storeIn. When dealing with sealed classes, you can use by subtype() on the parent class to be able to do things like this:

SomeExpression {
either {
expect(SomeNumber) storeIn self()
} or {
expect(SomeString) storeIn self()

SomeCall {

Manually creating keys

In case your model classes do not use reflective() for their node declaration, you may need to use different keys.

Keys are used to identify items of the storage map used to create model classes. When using reflective(), you can directly refer to a property, and it will be turned into a key for you.

However, you may want to add a value with a key that does not actually correspond to a property of the model class. In this case, you can manually create a key to use with storeIn using key<T>(name), where:

  • T is the type of the value you want to store.
  • name is the name of the key.
SomeNode {
expect(Tokens.SOME_TOKEN) storeIn key<String>("someField")

Note that Kotlin type inference will sometimes be able to completely remove the <String> type parameter. Use this to your advantage to keep your descriptions clean!


Uses a lambda to turn an emitted value into another emitted value, possibly of a different type.

SomeNode {
expect(Tokens.SOME_TOKEN) transform { it.toInt() } storeIn ...


You can use parseWithDebugger instead of parse on the parser instance to parse with a debugger. The debugger in question allows you to get a report of exactly what happened during the parsing process, including useful information like storage map, any match failure that happened at any point, etc.

The report is mostly valid YAML, albeit very strange-looking. You can open it in any editor of your choice (that supports YAML) to get syntax highlighting, etc.

Root: ✅ Parsing successful
Parser root result (kotlin.Any?): "SSum(left=SNumber(value=1), right=SNumber(value=2))"
- ExpectedNode(SNumber): ✅ Node matched successfully
left (SNumber): SNumber(value=1)
- expect(NUMBER): ✅ Token '1' is of correct type NUMBER
value (kotlin.Int): 1
- expect(PLUS): ✅ Token '+' is of correct type PLUS
- ExpectedNode(SNumber): ✅ Node matched successfully
right (SNumber): SNumber(value=2)
- expect(NUMBER): ✅ Token '2' is of correct type NUMBER
value (kotlin.Int): 2

All built-in expectations are wired up to show you detailed output of their execution flow. Here's an example with either:

Root: ✅ Parsing successful
Parser root result (kotlin.Any?): SNumber(value=3)
- either { 3 branch(es) }: ✅ Branch 2 matched
value (kotlin.Int): 3
- Branch 0: "❌ At index 0, expected token of type NUMBER with value '1', but encountered NUMBER ('3')"
- expect(NUMBER, withValue = '1'): "❌ At index 0, expected token of type NUMBER with value '1', but encountered NUMBER ('3')"
- Branch 1: "❌ At index 0, expected token of type NUMBER with value '2', but encountered NUMBER ('3')"
- expect(NUMBER, withValue = '2'): "❌ At index 0, expected token of type NUMBER with value '2', but encountered NUMBER ('3')"
- Branch 2: ✅ All expectations in branch matched
value (kotlin.Int): 3
- expect(NUMBER): ✅ Token '3' is of correct type NUMBER
value (kotlin.Int): 3