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Get started with Tegral OpenAPI

Tegral OpenAPI is a set of libraries that allow interoperation between OpenAPI, Swagger UI and various Kotlin tools.

The exact way to get started depends on what you want to do:

  • If you want to add OpenAPI/Swagger to a Tegral Web application, see here
  • If you want to add OpenAPI/Swagger to a Ktor application, see here
  • If you want to use a Kotlin syntax for writing OpenAPI specifications instead of YAML, see here
  • If you want to integrate an OpenAPI DSL to your application or library, see here

OpenAPI scripts

Tegral OpenAPI provides a scripting system for writing your OpenAPI definitions as Kotlin files. This is mostly for fun or if you quickly need to whip up an OpenAPI definition -- if your web framework allows it, you should probably use their OpenAPI integration instead.

Getting started is fairly easy: simply create a file that ends with .openapi.kts with your specs definition written using the Tegral OpenAPI DSL:

title = "My API"
version = "0.0.1"

"/" {
get {
description = "Get things"
200 response {
description = "It went well"
plainText { schema<String>("Some response...") }
// also valid: "text/plain" content { ... }

You can then use the Tegral OpenAPI CLI to compile and convert your script to JSON or YAML. The CLI itself is not available as a "standalone" executable. You should use a tool like JBang to execute the CLI, like so:

jbang run guru.zoroark.tegral:tegral-openapi-cli:VERSION --help

There are several options we will not detail here, but the gist is that you can turn your script into JSON via a command like this:

$ jbang run guru.zoroark.tegral:tegral-openapi-cli:VERSION spec.openapi.kts
[i] openapi.dump - Compiling script...
[i] openapi.dump - Evaluating script...
[!] compiler - Using new faster version of JAR FS: it should make your build faster, but the new implementation is experimental
{"openapi":"3.0.1","info":{"title":"My API","version":"0.0.1"},"paths":{"/":{"get":{"description":"Get things","responses":{"200":{"description":"It went well","content":{"text/plain":{"schema":{"type":"string"},"example":"Some response..."}}}}}}}}

You can then copy-paste the result in Swagger Editor to preview the results.


On most UNIX-like shells (zsh, bash, etc.), you can set an alias to make this easier to run:

$ alias tegral-openapi="jbang run guru.zoroark.tegral:tegral-openapi-cli:VERSION"
$ tegral-openapi spec.openapi.kts
[i] openapi.dump - Compiling script...

Embedded OpenAPI DSL

Tegral OpenAPI provides a DSL for writing OpenAPI specifications in Kotlin, which outputs Swagger Core objects. You can then serialize these objects to JSON or YAML via Swagger Core's built-in classes.

Refer to the documentation of OpenAPI DSL for more information.


Refer to this page for installation instructions.

Tegral Web

Refer to this page for installation instructions.