Package-level declarations


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A "kind" of dependency detected by DependencyTrackingInjectionEnvironment.

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Fake environment that tracks dependencies on the instantiation of components.

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data class IdentifierDependencies(    val kind: DependencyKind,     val dependencies: List<Identifier<*>>)

The dependencies for an identifier, with the kind of dependency "towards" those dependencies.

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class NoUnusedCheck(ignoredValues: Set<Identifier<*>>) : TegralDiCheck

Checks that all the components within modules are injected somewhere, except for the specified in the set passed as a parameter.

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DSL receiver for creating a NoUnusedCheck with excluded components. Use the exclude functions to exclude components by their identifiers.

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fun interface TegralDiCheck

An individual Tegral DI check that can be ran.

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DSL receiver class for the Tegral DI check DSL.

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Exception type for check failures (i.e. when a check is not met).


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Checks that the modules are complete and that all dependencies and injections can be properly resolved.

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inline fun <T : Any> NoUnusedCheckDsl.exclude(qualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier)

Excludes an identifier built from the generic type parameter and the given qualifier, or EmptyQualifier if no qualifier is provided.

fun NoUnusedCheckDsl.exclude(kclass: KClass<*>, qualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier)

Excludes an identifier built from the given class and the given qualifier, or EmptyQualifier if no qualifier is provided.

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Adds the given modules to this Tegral DI check instance.

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Checks that no cyclic dependencies are present within the modules.

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inline fun TegralDiCheckDsl.noUnused(block: NoUnusedCheckDsl.() -> Unit = {})

Creates a NoUnusedCheck.

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Check that verifies no injection is actually performed during the instantiation of components.

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DSL for checking your Tegral DI modules.