fun <T, R> ExpectationReceiver<T>.repeated( min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, itemBuilder: ItemExpectationBuilder<R>.() -> Unit): ExpectationStateCallbackBuilder<T, List<R>>
Repeatedly runs the provided expectations until they no longer match, then collects the items (specified via storeIn item
in one of the expectations in the repeated block) into a list that you can then store.
Usage can look like this:
data class ManyWords(val words: List<String>)
val parser = niwenParser<ManyWords> {
ManyWords root {
repeated {
expect(Word) storeIn item
} storeIn ManyWords::words
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Type inference failure
For whatever reason, when using the legacy Kotlin compiler (i.e. not K2), builder inference can sometimes fail when using repeated
. In this case, manually provide type parameters, either where you use repeated
or on the niwenParser
root call.
The ultimate fix is to wait for when K2 is released.