class ParsingContext( val tokens: List<Token>, typeMap: Map<ParserNodeDeclaration<*>, DescribedType<*>>, val branchSeeker: BranchSeeker? = null)
This object contains the information that is passed to expectations, and is global over a single parser run.
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constructor( tokens: List<Token>, typeMap: Map<ParserNodeDeclaration<*>, DescribedType<*>>, branchSeeker: BranchSeeker? = null)
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fun <T> applyExpectations( startAt: Int, expectations: List<Expectation<T, *>>): ExpectationResult<T>
Apply each expectation of this list to the given context, starting at the given index.
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If debugging is enabled, execute a set of expectations "within" a special node. Otherwise, directly executed the provided branch.
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Retrieve the provided node declaration, or null if no such declaration could be found.