Tegral
0.0.4
jvm
tegral-config-core
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
config.
core
Configuration
Section
Root
Config
Sectioned
Configuration
Sectioned
Configuration
Decoder
Section
Optionality
Optional
Required
Tegral
Config
Unknown
Section
Exception
tegral-core
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
core
Buildable
Companion
Tegral
Dsl
Tegral
Exception
tegral-di-core
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di
Component
Not
Found
Exception
Extension
Not
Installed
Exception
Failed
To
Resolve
Exception
Internal
Error
Exception
Invalid
Declaration
Exception
Not
Extensible
Exception
Tegral
Di
Exception
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
dsl
Context
Builder
Dsl
Environment
Context
Builder
Dsl
Module
Builder
Dsl
put()
tegral
Di()
tegral
Di
Module()
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
environment
Declaration
Empty
Qualifier
ensure
Instance()
Environment
Based
Scope()
Environment
Context
Extensible
Environment
Based
Scope
Full
Type
Qualifier
get()
get
Or
Null()
Identifier
Injectable
Module
Injection
Environment
Injection
Environment
Kind
Injection
Scope
Injector
invoke()
Metaless
Injection
Scope
Mixed
Immutable
Environment
Companion
Multi
Qualifier
named()
Name
Qualifier
optional()
plus()
Qualifier
Resolvable
Declaration
Scoped
Context
Scoped
Context()
Scoped
Supplier
Declaration
Simple
Environment
Based
Scope
typed()
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
environment.
resolvers
Alias
Identifier
Resolver
Canonical
Identifier
Resolver
Identifier
Resolver
Simple
Identifier
Resolver
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
extensions
Alias
Declaration
create
Meta
Environment()
Declarations
Processor
Declaration
Tag
Declaration
Tags
Default
Extensible
Injection
Environment
Eager
Immutable
Meta
Environment
Companion
Extensible
Context
Builder
Dsl
Extensible
Environment
Context
Extensible
Environment
Context
Builder
Dsl
Extensible
Injection
Environment
Extensible
Injection
Environment
Kind
filter
Subclasses
Of()
plus()
put
Alias()
with()
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
extensions.
factory
factory()
Factory
Declaration
Factory
Resolver
Injectable
Factory
put
Factory()
Synchronized
Lazy
Property
Wrapper
wrap
In()
wrap
In
With
This
Ref()
Wrapped
Read
Only
Property()
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
extensions.
fundef
configure
Fundef()
Experimental
Fundef
Function
Qualifier
Fundef
Configure
Dsl
Fundef
Exception
Fundef
Function
Wrapper
get
Fundef
Of()
of
Function()
put
Fundef()
tegral-di-services
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
services
Ignore
Policy
Ignore
All
Ignore
Start
Ignore
Stop
no
Service
no
Service
Start
no
Service
Stop
Service
Manager
services
Tegral
Service
Exception
use
Services()
tegral-di-test
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
test
entry
Of()
Not
Available
In
Test
Environment
Exception
Tegral
Abstract
Subject
Test
Tegral
Di
Base
Test
Tegral
Subject
Test
Test
Mutable
Injection
Environment
Unsafe
Mutable
Environment
Companion
Meta
Mutable
Environment
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
test.
check
complete()
Dependency
Kind
Injection
Resolution
Dependency
Tracking
Injection
Environment
Companion
exclude()
Identifier
Dependencies
modules()
no
Cycle()
no
Unused()
No
Unused
Check
No
Unused
Check
Dsl
safe
Injection()
Tegral
Di
Check
tegral
Di
Check()
Tegral
Di
Check
Dsl
Tegral
Di
Check
Exception
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
test.
environment
Environment
Base
Test
Extensible
Environment
Base
Test
Not
Extensible
Environment
Base
Test
tegral-di-test-mockk
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
di.
test.
mockk
put
Mock()
tegral-featureful
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
featureful
Configurable
Feature
Feature
Lifecycle
Hooked
Feature
tegral-logging
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
logging
Logger
Config
Logger
Name
logger
Name
Logging
Config
Companion
Logging
Feature
Log
Level
All
Trace
Debug
Info
Warn
Error
Off
put
Logger
Factory()
tegral-niwen-lexer
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
niwen.
lexer
Generic
State
Label
Generic
Token
Type
Ignoring
Matcher
Builder
Lexer
Lexer
Builder
State
Infix
Creator
Lexer
State
Matched
Matcher
Builder
matcher()
niwen
Lexer()
Niwen
Lexer
Exception
Niwen
Lexer
No
Match
Exception
State
Builder
Default
State
Label
state
Label()
Token
Token
Matcher
Builder
Token
Type
token
Type()
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
niwen.
lexer.
matchers
any
Of()
Char
Range
Token
Recognizer
Go
To
Default
State
Go
To
Labeled
State
Ignore
Match
Result
Matched
Token
Result
Matcher
Result
matches()
Next
State
Behavior
No
Match
Result
No
State
Change
Regex
Pattern
Recognizer
repeated
Repeated
Recognizer
String
Recognizer
String
Set
Token
Recognizer
Token
Matcher
Token
Recognizer
Token
Recognizer
Ignored
Token
Recognizer
Matched
to
Recognizer()
tegral-niwen-parser
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
niwen.
parser
Branch
Seeker
Node
Status
Described
Type
Expectation
Result
Did
Not
Match
Success
Niwen
Parser
Parser
Result
Failure
Success
Niwen
Parser
Exception
Parser
Node
Declaration
Parsing
Context
reflective()
Reflective
Node
Declaration
Type
Description
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
niwen.
parser.
dsl
add
Branch()
Composable
State
Callback
Builder
Described
Type
Builder
either()
Either
Branch
Builder
Either
Builder
emit()
expect()
Expectation
Receiver
Expectation
State
Callback
Builder
expect
Eof()
item
Item
Expectation
Builder
lookahead()
Lookahead
Builder
niwen
Parser()
Niwen
Parser
Builder
optional()
Optional
Branch
Builder
or()
plus
Assign()
repeated()
Repeated
Builder
repeated
Ignore()
self()
self
Key
For()
State
Callback
Builder
subtype()
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
niwen.
parser.
expectations
as
Key()
Compose
State
Callbacks
create
Store
Map()
Either
Branch
Expectation
Expected
Either
Expected
Emit
Constant
Expected
Eof
Expected
Lookahead
Expected
Node
Expected
Optional
Expected
Repeated
Expected
Token
Handles
Token
Drought
key()
Node
Parameter
Key
Raw
Key
Repeated
Item
Receiver
State
Callback
Store
State
Callback
Transform
State
Callback
with
Store
Map()
tegral-openapi-cli
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
cli
Format
main()
Tegral
Open
Api
Cli
tegral-openapi-dsl
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
dsl
api
Key
Type
Body
Builder
Body
Dsl
Builder
Content
Type
Header
Builder
Header
Dsl
http
Type
in
Cookie
Info
Builder
Info
Dsl
in
Header
in
Query
Media
Type
Builder
Media
Type
Dsl
Multi
Content
Type
mutual
Tls
Type
oauth2Type
open
Api()
Open
Api
Dsl
Context
Open
Api
Version
V3_0
V3_1
open
Id
Connect
Type
Operation
Builder
Operation
Dsl
Parameter
Builder
Parameter
Dsl
Parameter
Kind
Query
Header
Path
Cookie
Path
Builder
Path
Dsl
Paths
Builder
Paths
Dsl
Predefined
Content
Types
Dsl
Request
Body
Builder
Request
Body
Dsl
Response
Builder
Response
Dsl
Root
Builder
Root
Dsl
schema()
Security
Scheme
Builder
Security
Scheme
Dsl
Server
Builder
Server
Dsl
Simple
Dsl
Context
Tag
Builder
Tag
Dsl
Tags
Dsl
to
Json()
to
Open
Api31()
to
Yaml()
tegral-openapi-feature
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
feature
Open
Api
Endpoints
Open
Api
Feature
Open
Api
Module
tegral-openapi-ktor
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
ktor
describe()
describe
Subroutes()
describe
With()
get
Open
Api
Or
Null
With
Message()
open
Api
open
Api
Endpoint()
Tegral
Open
Api
Ktor
Configuration
Plugin
tegral-openapi-ktor-resources
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
ktor.
resources
delete
D()
describe
Resource()
description
From
Resource()
get
D()
head
D()
options
D()
patch
D()
post
D()
put
D()
Resource
Description
tegral-openapi-ktorui
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
ktorui
swagger
Ui
Endpoint()
Tegral
Swagger
Ui
Ktor
Configuration
Plugin
tegral-openapi-scriptdef
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
scriptdef
Open
Api
Script
Open
Api
Script
Compilation
Config
tegral-openapi-scripthost
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
openapi.
scripthost
Open
Api
Script
Host
Path
Source
Code
to
Script
Source()
tegral-prismakt-generator
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
prismakt.
generator
Execution
Context
main()
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
prismakt.
generator.
generators
accurate()
Exposed
Dao
Generator
Exposed
Sql
Generator
Generator
Context
inaccurate()
Model
Generator
native
Type
To
Scalar
Type()
Scalar
Type
TBinary
TBoolean
TByte
TChar
TDecimal
Companion
TDouble
TFloat
TInstant
TInt
TLocal
Date
TLocal
Date
Time
TLocal
Time
TLong
TLong
Text
TMedium
Text
TShort
TString
TText
TUByte
TULong
TUShort
TUuid
TVar
Char
Scalar
Type
With
Accuracy
Accurate
Inaccurate
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
prismakt.
generator.
parser
Niwen
Prism
Niwen
Prism
Parser
PArg
Bare
Companion
PArg
Named
Companion
PArgs
List
Companion
PArgument
Companion
PAttribute
Companion
PDatasource
Companion
PEnum
Companion
PEnv
Companion
PExp
Array
Companion
PExp
Fun
Call
Companion
PExp
Reference
Companion
PExpression
Companion
PExp
Value
Companion
PExp
Value
Int
Companion
PExp
Value
String
Companion
PField
Companion
PGenerator
Companion
PModel
Companion
PProperty
Companion
PProperty
Set
Companion
PRoot
Companion
PRoot
Element
Companion
PString
Companion
PValue
Companion
PValue
Or
Env
Companion
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
prismakt.
generator.
protocol
Arg
Type
Arg
Input
Type
Arg
Schema
Enum
Arg
String
Value
Arg
Type
Deserializer
Binary
Targets
Env
Value
Datamodel
Datamodel
Enum
Data
Source
Deprecation
DMMFDocument
Enum
Value
Env
Value
Field
Field
Kind
Scalar
Object
Enum
Unsupported
Field
Location
Scalar
Input
Object
Types
Output
Object
Types
Enum
Types
Field
Ref
Types
Field
Namespace
Model
Prisma
Field
Ref
Type
Generator
Config
Generator
Manifest
Deny
Lists
Generator
Options
Generator
Protocol
Controller
Generator
Protocol
Handler
Generator
Request
Generate
Request
Get
Manifest
Request
Generator
Response
Get
Manifest
Response
Generator
Manifest
Container
Input
Type
Constraints
Meta
Json
Rpc
Protocol
Mappings
Model
Model
Mapping
Object
Or
String
Other
Operation
Mappings
Output
Type
Primary
Key
Query
Query
Output
Schema
Enum
Types
Field
Ref
Types
Input
Types
Output
Types
Schema
Arg
Schema
Arg
Input
Type
Schema
Enum
Schema
Field
Type
Ref
Field
Ref
Allow
Type
Type
Ref
Enum
Type
Ref
Output
Object
Type
Ref
Scalar
Unique
Index
tegral-services-api
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
services.
api
Tegral
Service
tegral-services-feature
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
services.
feature
Services
Feature
tegral-utils-logtools
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
utils.
logtools
apply
Minimalist
Logging
Overrides()
Minimalist
Logs
tegral-web-appdefaults
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
web.
appdefaults
App
Defaults
Feature
apply
Logging
Overrides()
Default
App
Defaults
Module
Default
Ktor
Application
Defaults
Module
default
Tegral
Configuration()
Keep
Alive
Service
Shutdown
Hook
Service
Tegral
Configuration
Container
tegral-web-appdsl
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
web.
appdsl
apply
Defaults()
features
install()
lifecycle
Features
tegral()
Tegral
Application
Tegral
Application
Builder
Tegral
Application
Dsl
Tegral
Application
Feature
Builder
Tegral
Custom
Feature
use
Configuration()
tegral-web-apptest
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
web.
apptest
Default
Ktor
Test
Application
Integration
Test
Feature
Ktor
Test
Application
Ktor
Test
Application
Feature
Multi
Client
Provider
Tegral
Integration
Test
Exception
Tegral
Web
Integration
Test
Test
Services
Feature
Web
Integration
Test
Context
Web
Integration
Test
Context
Builder
Web
Integration
Test
Context
Dsl
tegral-web-config
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
web.
config
Web
Configuration
Companion
tegral-web-controllers
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
web.
controllers
filter
Is
Kclass
Subclass
Of()
get
Ktor
Modules
By
Priority()
Ktor
Application
Ktor
Application
Settings
Ktor
Controller
Ktor
Extension
Ktor
Module
Companion
Web
Controllers
Feature
tegral-web-controllers-test
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
web.
controllers.
test
apply
Defaults
Module()
assert2xx()
assert3xx()
assert4xx()
assert5xx()
Controller
Test
Context
Default
Controller
Test
Context
Tegral
Controller
Test
tegral-web-greeter
guru.
zoroark.
tegral.
web.
greeter
Greeter
Feature
tegral-prismakt-generator
/
guru.zoroark.tegral.prismakt.generator.protocol
/
FieldLocation
/
value
value
val
value
:
String